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Reproductive & Pelvis Models 

Male Pelvis Skeleton Model, Life Size

Product Cat # AM1401

Male Pelvis Skeleton Model, Life Size......

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Female Pelvis Skeleton Model Life Size

Product Cat # AM1403

The Life-Size Female Pelvis Skeleton is an excellent resource for in-depth study of the sk......

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Male Pelvis Median Section Model

Product Cat # AM1410

Shows the rectum, bladder with prostate and testicular duct and external genital organs,......

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Female Pelvis Median Section Model

Product Cat # AM1412

This life-size, one-piece pelvis section model illustrates the anatomical features of th......

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Human Female Pelvis Section - 4 parts Female Pelvis with baby

Product Cat # AM1414

Female pelvis model showing the 9th month of pregnancy includes removable fetus. For use......

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Human Reproductive System Male Model

Product Cat # AM1416

This natural size Human Male Reproductive System model shows the rectum, bladder with pro......

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Human Reproductive System Female Model

Product Cat # AM1418

This life Size Human Female Reproductive System Model showcases the surfaces and orientat......

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Female Pelvis Anatomy Model

Product Cat # AM1430

Female Pelvis Anatomy Model ......

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IUD Training Simulator

Product Cat # AM1432


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Dissectable Male Genital Anatomical Model

Product Cat # AM1434

Life-sized and dissectible, this model is medially sectioned to display the penis, prost......

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