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Orifice Mouthpieces Apparatus

Product Cat # EL1132


An orifice is a hole drilled into a tank's bottom or side th ...

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An orifice is a hole drilled into a tank's bottom or side that has a closed border and can be used to discharge fluid. A mouthpiece is a brief tube that is attached to a tank's circular hole of the same size to allow liquids to be expelled through it. Using an orifice and a mouthpiece, you can gauge the flow of liquid. The tool's purpose is to assess the mouthpiece's & orifice's co-efficient of discharge. The device comprises of a supply tank with a universal fixture for attaching an orifice or mouthpiece attached to the side of it. The water supply tank was topped off using a centrifugal pump. A by pass valve located at the pump discharge regulates head over the orifice/mouthpiece. To measure the discharge, a measuring tank is offered. It is possible to gauge the X and Y coordinates of the jet coming from the orifice, which is used to determine the orifice's cv.

Experimental objectives

  • The objective of this lab experiment is to determine the coefficients of velocity and discharge of two small orifices in the lab and compare them with values in textbooks and other reliable sources.


  • Supply Tank 0.4 X 0.3 X 0.5m height
  • Orifice 8mm and 10 mm.
  • Mouthpiece
  • LID = 4
  • L/D = 1
  • Bordas mouthpiece.
  • Convergent mouthpiece.
  • X Y gauge for orifice jet co-ordinates.
  • Measuring tank of suitable capacity OR a calibrated water flow meter.
  • Sump tank of suitable capacity.
  • 0.5 HP pump with valve.

 A technical manual accompanies the unit.


Required Other Items but not Included with above supply

  •  Flow surface 2 mtrs. X 1 mtr. X 1.5 mtrs. height.
  • 230 Volts, 5 Amp. Stabilized AC. Power Supply

Orifice Mouthpieces Apparatus

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