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Citical Radius Of Insulating Material

Product Cat # EL1209


Heat loss is greatest at a specific radius of insulation ov ...

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Heat loss is greatest at a specific radius of insulation over a cylinder. The component is a G.I. pipe with plaster of Paris insulation applied to the exterior surface. There are four pipes available, each with a heater and input control. Common voltmeters and ammeters are used to measure the input to heaters. By adjusting the input to heaters, it is demonstrated that the critical radius of insulation is a ratio of thermal conductivity to the outside heat transfer coefficient.


  • G. I. Pipes with electrical heater inside – 4 Nos.
  • Insulation over the pipes of different thickness.
  • Controls and Measurements –

a) Dimmerstat to control heater input – 4 Nos.

b) A voltmeter and ammeter to measure inputs to heater.

c) Digital temperature indicator to measure temperatures across insulation.

d) Necessary switches and controls.

 A technical manual accompanies the unit.


  • 230 V, 5 Amp., A.C., Supply with earthing connection.
  • Floor Area of 1 m. X 1 m X 1.5m. height.

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