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Critical Heat Flux Apparatus

Product Cat # EL1236


 The equipment shows the various pool boiling regimes. ...

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The equipment shows the various pool boiling regimes. A test wire is encircled by water that is always the same temperature in the test section. By running current through the test wire, its surface temperature is raised. The various regimes are observed up to the burnout point because of the temperature difference between the wire surface and the surroundings.


  • Test wire -35 gauge or 40 gauges. Length = 10cm.
  • Nichrome heater- 1 kw capacity – 1 nos.
  • Glass trough of sufficient capacity.
  • Table light to observe the test wire.
  • Voltmeter and ammeter to measure the input to the test wire.
  • Dimmerstat to adjust the voltage.


A technical manual accompanies the unit.



  • 220v, ISA, stabilized single-phase supply.
  • Floor surface- 1m x 1m at working height.

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