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Stefan Boltzmans Apparatus

Product Cat # EL1231


In heat transmission, the Stefan Boltzmann constant is cruc ...

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In heat transmission, the Stefan Boltzmann constant is crucial. The tool establishes the Stefan Boltzmann constant. The device is made up of a hemisphere encircled by hot water. A water-heating tank provides hot water. The temperature of the blackened disc starts to rise as soon as it is inserted into the centre of the hemisphere because radiation from the hemisphere is transferring heat into it. (It is measured at 5 second intervals.) Determined is the Stefan Boltzmann constant.



  • Water heating tank provided with electric immersion heater.
  • Hemisphere made of copper sheet, 200mm. dia. Surrounded water jacket of 250mm. Dia.
  • Test disc made of copper 20mm. dia. provided with thermocouple at the center.
  • Multichannel digital temperature indicator 0-200 C with 0.1C least counts to measure the temperature of hemisphere and disc.
  • Audible buzzer with timer to ring at every 5 seconds.

 A technical manual accompanies the unit.



  • Bench area of about 1m. x 05m. at working height.
  • 230v, 15A, AC, electric supply with earthing connection

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