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Thermal Conductivity Of Metal Rod

Product Cat # EL1250


The device consists of a copper bar that is heated at one e ...

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The device consists of a copper bar that is heated at one end and has a heat sink at the other. The test segment of the bar has thermocouples attached along its whole length and is adequately insulated. By collecting heat in a heat sink that is cooled by water, heat passed through the bar section can be monitored. A panel with controls and measurements is offered, allowing for simple operation and stable attachment of the instrument.


  • Metal Bar – 25mm of adequate length, provided with 8 Thermocouples along the length, Band heater at one end and water-cooled heat sink at other end. Test portion of bar is insulated.
  • Instruments panel comprising of.

  Voltmeter … 1No.

  Ammeter … 1No.

  Dimmerstat 0-230v, 2A, capacity.

  Multichannel Digital temperature Indicator.

  • Measuring flask and stop clock



  • Bench area of 1.5m. x 1m. at working height.
  • 230 v, AC, electric supply with earthing connection.
  • Water supply at the rate of 2 lit/mm

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