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Journal Bearing Apparatus

Product Cat # EL1035


A small electric motor is used to directly drive a plain st ...

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A small electric motor is used to directly drive a plain steel shaft that is housed in a bearing as part of the device. On the shaft, the bearing is supported freely and is sealed at the motor end. The control unit carefully regulates the motor speed, and the motor end is sealed. The motor speed can be operated in either direction and is accurately controlled by the control unit. The bearing has four pressure taps along the axis and twelve evenly spaced pressure taps around the circumference. All are connected to the manometer via a thin, flexible plastic tube, allowing for simultaneous observation of the pressure heads at all sixteen points. By adding weight to the arm that is supported beneath the bearing, it can be loaded.




  •  Journal : 50 mm. dia. (nominal)
  •  Bearing : 55 mm. dia.
  •  Weights : 4 adjustable weights
  •  Motor : D.C. shunt Motor, 3,000 RPM.
  •  Control panel : For speed control of Motor
  • Manometer panel : 16 tube Manometer
  •  Oil recommended : SAE 10




  •  Observation of the pressure profile at various conditions of load and speed.
  •  Plotting the Cartesian and polar pressure curves.
  •  Plotting the theoretical Summerfield curves. 



  • Electric Connections : A.C Single Phase, 230v. supply with ear thing.
  • Stand Alone Space : 1.5m X 1.5m X 4m Height.

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