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Lathe Tool Dynamometers

Product Cat # EL1052


This strain gauge-style, two-component lathe tool dynamomete ...

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This strain gauge-style, two-component lathe tool dynamometer is intended to measure the forces acting vertically and horizontally during orthogonal cutting. After removing the swivel base, compound slide, and digital force indicator from the lathe, the mechanical sensing unit, also known as a tool holder, can be installed on top of the Ross slide. Students can use this dynamometer to investigate how these forces change by changing the speed, cut, and feed.

Experimental objectives

  • By using lathe Tool Dynamometer measure the cutting forces in all directions.
  • Analysis of effect of the process parameters, cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut on cutting forces during turning operations.
  • Mechanical sensing unit or Tool Holder with string gauges. With H.S.S. tool of ½ “ size.
  • Control panel housing digital force indicator to measure two forces simultaneously, balancing potentiometers, connoting cable.
  • Necessary switches, fuses and polycarbonate front plate. Range o to 500 Kg.
    Centre Height, PCD of clamping bolt size, clamping Bolt size. Three component lathe tool dynamo meter is also available.


  • Rigid in construction
  • Sensitive transuding and amplifying system for accuracy in force measurement.
  • Compact Digital force indicator.
  • Use of cutting fluid during operation is possible.

Lathe Tool Dynamometers

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