A sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument that measures the angle between two visible objects. Sextant is mainly used to measure and determine the dimensions of inaccessible objects. It is used for marine navigation purposes also. For example, height of a mountain or a building, diameter of the Sun and distance from point A to farthest point B are some of the examples. The dimensions can be found out by determining the angle subtended by two different objects at the place of observation. In order to get the exact and accurate angle, the Sextant should be highly accurate and should be able to perform well according to the user demands.
Vashishat Sextant always stand on top when it comes to accuracy and workmanship. Our sextant are truly build for accuracy. These sextant comprises has brass sextant with stainless steel arc scale. The optics and mirrors used in our Sextant are carefully selected ensuring high vision accuracy. Our sextant are fully operational and measure true angles in accordance with the international standards down to 12secs. All of our sextant are developed using precision machines and professional workmanship. All coloured brass sextant with arc radius 6-7/16".